Welcome to the new iBob 4.0!
Your system credentials upon Go-Live are as follows:
Username: Same as your iBob 3.0 username
Password: Same as your iBob 3.0 password
You can find open quotes from the iBob 3.0 system (dated 6/1/2021 and onwards) in the iBob 4.0 Job Search by searching the Job Name or Quote #. If you wish to transact on any of these records, you must click “Restore Quote” on each quote in order to migrate the record to iBob 4.0.
More information on how to migrate Quotes can be found in the Training material under “Resources”. If you need help migrating and/or reentering quotes, please contact us at: QuoteConversionHelp@bobrick.com
For any system issues or questions, please contact us at:
Email: ibobadministration@bobrick.com