It’s not magic—it’s just Bobrick’s new ADA Recessed Hand Dryer, featuring low-profile design and an oversized, absorbent drying alcove that prevents splashing to create a more hygienic restroom that eases janitorial load.
Make unhygienic puddles vanish. Meet ADA requirements. Create a more thorough, comfortable hand-drying experience. Eliminate unsightly stains on walls and floors. Support modern, harmonized design.
It’s not a paradox. It’s Bobrick.
Features include:
• ADA-compliant, 2" wall protrusion• 70 dBA sound level
• Type 304 satin-finish stainless steel exterior
• Installs in a 4" wall depth
• Sustainable 1.0 KW power rating
• 5-year-limited warranty

Contemporary, thin, low-profile design, fabricated from Type 304 satin finish stainless steel. 6"-deep curved drying alcove.

Ceramic, water absorbent alcove minimizes water splash on patron, wall and floor.